Improving Data Science Strategy at Neste

Dr. Phil Winder

Winder.AI helped Neste develop their data science strategy to nudge their data scientists to produce more secure, more robust, production ready products. The results of this work were: A unified company-wide data science strategy Simplified product development - “just follow the process” More robust, more secure products Decreased to-market time Our Client Neste is an energy company that focuses on renewables. The efficiency and optimization savings that machine learning, artificial intelligence and data science can provide play a key role in their strategy.

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Cloud Native Data Science: Strategy

Dr. Phil Winder

Data Science has become an important part of any business because it provides a competitive advantage. Very early on, Amazon’s data on book purchases allowed them to deliver personalised recommendations whilst customers were browsing their site. Their main competitor in the US at the time was Borders, who mainly operated in physical stores. This physicality prevented them from seamlessly providing customers with personalised recommendations [1]. This example highlights how strategic business decisions and data science are inextricably linked.

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The Benefits of Outsourcing Research and Development

Dr. Phil Winder

When I think about my business, I often end up at one fundamental business truth. The goal of any business is to make profit. This is achieved by either making more money or reducing costs. Often, business activities are outsourced to experts in order to achieve one of these. For example, I outsource my accounting to an expert, in order to a) ensure that I’m being tax efficient (save costs) and b) because I lack the expertise and the time/desire to obtain it (save costs).

Most traditional outsourcing routes (e.g. accountancy, recruiting, etc.) affect either making more money (e.g. marketing) or reducing costs (e.g. recruiting). Outsourcing research and development is different, in that it can benefit your business in both of these ways.

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