Reinforcement Learning In Finance

Dr. Phil Winder

Our financial client is based in the UK. They specialise in providing services to the finance industry. Their data science team embarked on a project to leverage reinforcement learning within their product offering. Winder.AI, world-leading authors and experts on reinforcement learning, helped them deliver their POC into production. Read on to find out more.

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Reinforcement Learning for Power Generation

Dr. Phil Winder

Genesis Energy is a power generation company in New Zealand that sells electricity generated by hydroelectric and hydrothermal generators to the domestic energy market. Currently, people control the decisions surrounding power generation and pricing. Genesis asked Winder.AI to help them develop a reinforcement learning-powered solution to automate generation and pricing. Reinforcement Learning Problem New Zealand has the enviable situation of possessing high-altitude lakes refilled with ice melt. Discharging the lake presents an ample kinetic energy store that can be utilised for power generation via a turbine.

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RL Presentation: How to Overcome Reinforcement Learning Challenges

Dr. Phil Winder

This presentation discusses some of the greatest challenges for a reinforcement learning project. I will share some of the challenges we have faced and how we have overcome them. You’ll learn what to look out for and how that affects the planning process.

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RL Presentation: Finding and Executing Reinforcement Learning Projects

Dr. Phil Winder

Learn about the framework that we use to help organizations find and develop problems that are best suited to reinforcement learning. This includes information about how to find business problems that are suited to RL, how to derisk the development process, and what technical tasks are involved.

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An Introduction to Reinforcement Learning: All You Need to Know

Dr. Phil Winder

When a child wants to ride a bike, they learn by doing. This process of trial and error is also known as learning through reinforcement, because positive and negative experiences promote or discourage certain behaviours, respectively. Children learn to ride by avoiding actions that cause them to crash; for the thrill of feeling wind in their hair.

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Optimising Industrial Processes with Reinforcement Learning

Dr. Phil Winder

Winder.AI helped CMPC, a large paper milling company, to optimise their production process by using reinforcement learning. CMPC are now able to automate industrial processes that were previously manual. This case study describes our approach and the results.

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Reinforcement Learning Presentation: Cyber Security

Dr. Phil Winder

Dr. Phil Winder shares experiences of Winder.AI’s reinforcement learning consulting experience at a variety of large and small organizations. Abstract In this talk he focuses on RL applications, looking at the use of RL in cyber security and discusses one interesting case study about how Winder.AI helped an internal security team develop a tool to hack web application firewalls. About This Series Welcome to Winder.AI talks. A series of free interactive webinars hosted by Dr Phil Winder, CEO of Winder.

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Using Reinforcement Learning to Attack Web Application Firewalls

Dr. Phil Winder

Introduction Ideally, the best way to improve the security of any system is to detect all vulnerabilities and patch them. Unfortunately this is rarely possible due to the extreme complexity of modern systems. One primary threat are payloads arriving from the public internet, with the attacker using them to discover and exploit vulnerabilities. For this reason, web application firewalls (WAF) are introduced to detect suspicious behaviour. These are often rules based and when they detect nefarious activities they significantly reduce the overall damage.

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Automating Cyber-Security with Reinforcement Learning

Dr. Phil Winder

The best way to improve the security of any system is to detect all vulnerabilities and patch them. Unfortunately this is rarely possible due to the extreme complexity of modern systems. The common suggestion is to test for security, often leveraging the expertise of security-focussed engineers or automated scripts. But there are two fundamental issues with this approach: 1) security engineers do not scale, and 2) scripts are unlikely to cover all security concerns to begin with, let alone deal with new threats or increased attack surfaces.

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