RL Presentation: Finding and Executing Reinforcement Learning Projects

by Dr. Phil Winder , CEO

Dr. Phil Winder shares experiences of Winder.AI’s reinforcement learning consulting experience at a variety of large and small organizations.


In this talk, you’ll learn about the framework that we use to help organizations find and develop problems that are best suited to reinforcement learning. This includes information about how to find business problems that are suited to RL, how to derisk the development process, and what technical tasks are involved.

If you’d like to learn more about reinforcement learning then I recommend that you read my book.

Download the slides Buy the Book

About This Series

Welcome to Winder.AI talks. A series of free interactive webinars hosted by Dr Phil Winder, CEO of Winder.AI, Author of O’Reilly’s Reinforcement Learning and one of the founders of the MLOps Community, covering a range of topics about the use of machine learning operations (MLOps), reinforcement learning (RL), and machine learning (ML) in industry today.

Gather technical insights and understand ways in which you can empower your organization through the application and operation of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Each event is fully interactive with its very own dedicated Q&A session at the end of each session.

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