AI, Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning, and MLOps Articles

Learn more about AI, machine learning, reinforcement learning, and MLOps with our insight-packed articles. Our AI blog delves into industrial use of AI, the machine learning blog is more technical, the reinforcement learning blog is industrially renowned, and our mlops blog discusses operational ML.

Machine Learning Presentation: Packaging Your Models

Dr. Phil Winder

Dr. Phil Winder shares experiences of Winder.AI’s machine learning consulting experience at a variety of large and small organizations. Abstract In this talk he focuses on packaging ML models for production serving. Learn about how the cloud vendors compare, what orchestration abstractions prefer, and how packaging tools seek to find the right abstractions. At the end of the talk Phil distils this information and presets best practices. There’s also some discussion of future trends and some ideas for aspiring open-source engineers.

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GitOps for Machine Learning Projects

Dr. Phil Winder

Not so long ago, developers used clunky consoles to provision infrastructure and applications. It wasn’t long before someone realized it was better to automate such a process via scripts and APIs. But it wasn’t until Hashicorp showed that APIs were not enough. Their insight was to declare a canonical representation of the infrastructure. You can then reconcile this declaration against the live view of the infrastructure. In 2015-16 we helped WeaveWorks develop their cloud monitoring platform.

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Machine Learning Presentation: Provenance and Lineage for Data, Pipelines, and Deployments

Dr. Phil Winder

Dr. Phil Winder shares experiences of Winder.AI’s machine learning consulting experience at a variety of large and small organizations. Abstract In this talk he focuses on how provenance and lineage, typically thought of as a model deployment problem, can help make the development of machine learning models more repeatable, understandable, and robust. Discover the difference between lineage and provenance. Learn how to determine the “strength” of your lineage and how robust it is to failure.

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Databricks vs Pachyderm - A Data Engineering Comparison

Enrico Rotundo
Associate Data Scientist

Winder.AI has conducted a study comparing the differences between Pachyderm and Databricks. Both vendors are prominent in the data and machine learning (ML) industries. But they offer different products targeting different use cases. Modern, production-ready requirements present major challenges where data is evolving, unstructured, and big. This white paper investigates the strengths and weaknesses in their respective propositions and how they deal with these challenges.

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Reinforcement Learning Presentation: Cyber Security

Dr. Phil Winder

Dr. Phil Winder shares experiences of Winder.AI’s reinforcement learning consulting experience at a variety of large and small organizations. Abstract In this talk he focuses on RL applications, looking at the use of RL in cyber security and discusses one interesting case study about how Winder.AI helped an internal security team develop a tool to hack web application firewalls. About This Series Welcome to Winder.AI talks. A series of free interactive webinars hosted by Dr Phil Winder, CEO of Winder.

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MLOps Presentation: How to Build Resilient AI With GitOps

Dr. Phil Winder

Dr. Phil Winder shares experiences of Winder.AI’s MLOps consulting experience at a variety of large and small organizations. Abstract In this talk he focuses on how GitOps is a key ingredient in any ML platform to enhance resiliency and observability. Learn why it is important, what it involves, and how to implement it in this short 30 minute video. About This Series Welcome to Winder.AI talks. A series of free interactive webinars hosted by Dr Phil Winder, CEO of Winder.

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The Value of a Machine Learning Pipeline: Past, Present, and the Future of MLOps With Kubeflow

Dr. Phil Winder

Industrial machine learning consulting projects come in a variety of forms. Sometimes clients ask for exploratory data analysis, to evaluate whether their data can be used to help solve a problem using artificial intelligence. Other times we use machine learning (ML) algorithms to automate decisions and improve efficiencies within a business or product. More recently we’ve refocused on reinforcement learning and customers ask us to help control some complex multi-step process.

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Using Reinforcement Learning to Attack Web Application Firewalls

Dr. Phil Winder

Introduction Ideally, the best way to improve the security of any system is to detect all vulnerabilities and patch them. Unfortunately this is rarely possible due to the extreme complexity of modern systems. One primary threat are payloads arriving from the public internet, with the attacker using them to discover and exploit vulnerabilities. For this reason, web application firewalls (WAF) are introduced to detect suspicious behaviour. These are often rules based and when they detect nefarious activities they significantly reduce the overall damage.

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Helping Modzy Build an ML Platform

Dr. Phil Winder

Winder.AI collaborated with the Modzy development team and MLOps Consulting to deliver a variety of solutions that make up the Modzy product, a ModelOps and MLOps platform. A summary of this work includes: Developing the Open Model Interface Open-sourcing chassis, the missing link that allows data scientists to build robust ML containers Model monitoring and observability product features MLOps and model management product features Video unsupported The Problem: How to Build An ML Platform Modzy’s goal is to help large organizations orchestrate and manage their machine learning (ML) models.

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How To Build a Robust ML Workflow With Pachyderm and Seldon

Enrico Rotundo
Associate Data Scientist

This article outlines the technical design behind the Pachyderm-Seldon Deploy integration available on GitHub and is intended to highlight the salient features of the demo. For an in depth overview watch the accompanying video on YouTube. Introduction Pachyderm and Seldon run on top of Kubernetes, a scalable orchestration system; here I explain their installation process, then I use an example use case to illustrate how to operate a release, rollback, fix, re-release cycle in a live ML deployment.

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