AI, Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning, and MLOps Articles

Learn more about AI, machine learning, reinforcement learning, and MLOps with our insight-packed articles. Our AI blog delves into industrial use of AI, the machine learning blog is more technical, the reinforcement learning blog is industrially renowned, and our mlops blog discusses operational ML.

Qualitative Model Evaluation - Visualising Performance


Qualitative Model Evaluation - Visualising Performance Welcome! This workshop is from Sign up to receive more free workshops, training and videos. Being able to evaluate models numerically is really important for optimisation tasks. However, performing a visual evaluation provides two main benefits: Easier to spot mistakes Easier to explain to other people It is so easy to miss a gross error when looking at summary statistics alone. Always visualise your data/results!

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Hierarchical Clustering - Agglomerative


Hierarchical Clustering - Agglomerative Clustering Welcome! This workshop is from Sign up to receive more free workshops, training and videos. Clustering is an unsupervised task. In other words, we don’t have any labels or targets. This is common when you receive questions like “what can we do with this data?” or “can you tell me the characteristics of this data?”. There are quite a few different ways of performing clustering, but one way is to form clusters hierarchically.

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Evidence, Probabilities and Naive Bayes


Evidence, Probabilities and Naive Bayes Welcome! This workshop is from Sign up to receive more free workshops, training and videos. Bayes rule is one of the most useful parts of statistics. It allows us to estimate probabilities that would otherwise be impossible. In this worksheet we look at bayes at a basic level, then try a naive classifier. Bayes Rule For more intuition about Bayes Rule, make sure you check out the training.

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Detrending Seasonal Data


Detrending Seasonal Data Welcome! This workshop is from Sign up to receive more free workshops, training and videos. statsmodels is a comprehensive library for time series data analysis. And it has a really neat set of functions to detrend data. So if you see that your features have any trends that are time-dependent, then give this a try. It’s essentially fitting the multiplicative model: $y(t) = Level * Trend * Seasonality * Noise$

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Visualising Underfitting and Overfitting in High Dimensional Data


Visualising Underfitting and Overfitting in High Dimensional Data Welcome! This workshop is from Sign up to receive more free workshops, training and videos. In the previous workshop we plotted the decision boundary for under and overfitting classifiers. This is great, but very often it is impossible to visualise the data, usually because there are too many dimensions in the dataset. In thise case we need to visualise performance in another way.

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Nearest Neighbour Algorithms


Nearest Neighbour Algorithms Welcome! This workshop is from Sign up to receive more free workshops, training and videos. Nearest neighbour algorithms are a class of algorithms that use some measure of similarity. They rely on the premise that observations which are close to each other (when comparing all of the features) are similar to each other. Making this assumption, we can do some interesting things like: Recommendations Find similar stuff But more crucially, they provide an insight into the character of the data.

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K-NN For Classification


K-NN For Classification Welcome! This workshop is from Sign up to receive more free workshops, training and videos. In a previous workshop we investigated how the nearest neighbour algorithm uses the concept of distance as a similarity measure. We can also use this concept of similarity as a classification metric. I.e. new observations will be classified the same as its neighbours. This is accomplished by finding the most similar observations and setting the predicted classification as some combination of the k-nearest neighbours.

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Introduction to Monitoring Microservices with Prometheus

Dr. Phil Winder
CEO is an open source time series database that focuses on capturing measurements and exposing them via an API. I love Prometheus because it it so simple; it’s minimalism is its greatest feature. It achieves this by pulling metrics from instrumented applications, not pulling like many of its competitors. In other words Prometheus “scrapes” the metrics from the application.

This means that it works very well in a distributed, cloud-native environment. All of the services are unburdened by load on the monitoring system. This has knock on effects meaning that HA is supported through simple duplication and scaling is supported through segmentation.

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Logging vs Tracing vs Monitoring

Dr. Phil Winder

What do you mean by monitoring? Why do you need it? What are the real needs and are you monitoring them? Ask yourself these questions. Can you answer them? If not, you’re probably doing monitoring wrong.

This post asks the basic question. What is monitoring? How does it compare to logging and tracing? Let’s find out.

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Overfitting and Underfitting


Underfitting and Overfitting Welcome! This workshop is from Sign up to receive more free workshops, training and videos. Imagine you had developed a model that predicts some output. The goal of any model is to generate a correct prediction and avoid incorrect predictions. But how can we be sure that predictions are as good as they can possibly be? Now constrain your imagining to a classification task (other tasks have similar properties but I find classification easiest to reason about).

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